Richard Fiese, Ph.D.

Richard Fiese, Ph.D.

Man holding a trumpet standing next to a table with two additional trumpets on display at Howard Payne University. | HPU

Richard Fiese, Ph.D.
Professor of Music:
Music Education, Instrumental Conducting, Brass

Dr. Fiese is a Professor in the Department of Music at Howard Payne University. His areas of specialization are music education and instrumental conducting. He is co-author of two books, the Handbook for Preparing Graduate Papers in Music (first and second editions) and A Systematic Guide to Error Detection for Conductors.  He also authored over a dozen music education monographs and was an invited contributing author to Spotlight on Assessment in Music Education and the Spotlight on the Transition to Teaching Music (published by the National Association for Music Education).

Dr. Fiese has over 80 published articles in such venues as the Journal of Research in Music Education, Journal of Band Research, Music Educators Journal, Perspectives in Music Education Research, the College Music Society’s Symposium, Texas Music Education Research, Southwestern Musician, Florida Music Educator, and Early Childhood Connections.  He also was a reviewer for the New Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning, and served as editor of Texas Music Education Research and Perspectives in Music Education Research.  His current research area relates to the influence of worldview on music education policy, music education philosophy, rehearsal effectiveness and music teacher education.

Dr. Fiese served the profession as Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Vice-president and College Division Chair, TMEA Research Chair, Florida Music Educators Association Research Chair, Florida Collegiate Music Educators Association President, National Chair of the General Research SRIG, and Chairman of the Lee County Band Directors Association. He has presented literally hundreds of clinics, masterclasses, and professional presentations nationally.

Prior to his appointment to Howard Payne University, Dr. Fiese served as Associate Professor in the Department of Music Education and Music Therapy and a member of the Graduate Faculty at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL), Associate Professor at the University of Houston School of Music (now the Moore’s School of Music), and Visiting Guest Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Dr. Fiese also served as Director of Bands at the West Laboratory School (Florida) and was Music Department Chairman and Director of Bands at Cypress Lake High School (Florida).

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